Friday, January 21, 2011

George Bailey is visiting breakfast place to eat.

George Bailey who drove all night in his beat up mustang ,finally made it and pulled into the very large parking lot at this doggie run bed and breakfast place,George Bailey was able to walk inside and sit at one of the tables at this breakfast place,he sat down and looked at one of the menus and was given a large pot of coffee,to drink he drank one large cup and then feel a sleep at the table,that he was sitng at while he was here.

Monday, January 17, 2011

2 Government agents came here for breakfast.

2 C.I.A agents named John Clark and Domingo Ding Chavez are here having breakfast with 2 government agents who a spy agency ,in New York City, The names of these 2 u.s Government agents are named Agent-J aka NYPD detective named James Edwards and Agent -K, They drove here from their spy agency in their very 1987 Ford LTD crown victora, its parked in a well guarded area of this breakfast place's parking lot.
F.B.I Jim is here at this really great breakfast place,with his new girl friend named Marla Sokoloff who is a nude model and also works as a bounty For Bounty Hunter named Nick Randell.
Molly and Jenny work at this doggie run and breakfast place,they work as watitess,Jim asked the Doggies owners to have molly and jenny wear low cut playboy bunny outfits,while they work as watitres,as a favor forb jim who keep this breakfast place from robbed at gunpoint pinhead singer Sarah Jaffee who was carrying a pump shotgun,Jim pulled out his tec-60 semi -autiomaic pistol and fired it 80 times at Sarah Jaffe, most of the bullets missed hiting but 4 bulletts hit Sarah Jaffe in both her legs,she left a trail of blood from this breafast place,she drove her car,which was covered in bulletts holes after being on more a pursuing LAPD Patrol which was chasing after her.
Sarah Jaffee was able to get away and is hiding at her pinhead good records store,where there is police stakeout with texas rangers watching this pinhead record store in unmarked cars.

The 2 very friendly and very loud and silly dogs ,

The 2 very Silly dogs named charlie and Ripley who are both very silly and very friendly dogs,who just pulled their newly bought BMW,to drive to drive here to work, to work here all afternoon and evening and into the early morning hours cooking breakfast here , with a few rest breaks to rest their tired paws and they both getb to drink lots of free coffee,which helps these 2 dogs stay a wake .
Former George W. Bush came to visit here,along with 5000 well armed u.s army rangers,who be gurarding him,while he is visiting here,eating a very large and free breakfast.
Former George W Bush came to have a important meeting with Human C.I.A director Jack Ryan,and and also here having eating breakfast ,is chinese Presdent Hu Jintao, he is just to eat breakfast and he speaks english.
Doggie U.S president Lizzy the dog gave him permission to fly from china to the united states,he was granted a doggie visa by Doggie Vice President Peanut the dog.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Molly and Jenny's great Looking nanny .

Both Molly and Jenny have turned into little girls by very beauitful youth goddess and AL-QADEA terriost named Rosario Dawson is jim's great looking and younger girl friend,who is molly and jenny nanny,and Rosario Dawson is wearing her Long Brown hair down and she is wearing a very beauitful low cut corset,and this breakfast place is very busy right now.
Sarah Palin is here visiting these very friendly doggie owners.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Chocotate milks being served here .

The doggie owners of this doggie owned and run breafast place ,just installed a milkshake making, Pearl,June and Georgie take turns making chocoate milkshake 24 hours a day,7 days a week.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

2 pinhead reality tv stars ,get into fight .

2 pinhead reality tv stars named Bethnenny Frankel and Kelly Bensimon parked in the parking lot here at this doggie run and owned breakfast Place ,they both of their overpriced bmw cars,they both walked to each other,started yelling and screaming at each other.
The dogs and humans eating their breakfast wanted them both to leave, the 3 doggie owners who run and own this breakfast place,Called their good human friend named Sarah Palin who was visiting with doggie u.s army major chief of staff major mo,the dog and his trusty doggie aids macy and mac mo the dogs,they were in a underground miltarty bunker in downtown Los Angeless,cailforina,talking this milatry conflict here.
Sarah Palin told those 3 very friendly dogs,that she would gladly help them out.
Sarah Palin asked doggie u.s chief of staff major mo to send a c.i.a black ops strike team to that doggie breakfast place.
A few hours later ,a u.s army black helicopter landed at this doggie breakfast place,after it land ,c.i.a field agent John Clark and 600 well armed c.i.a black ops commandos carrying heavy machine guns fired their m-60 machines at 2 over priced bmw cars that were parked there ,one of the bulletts that hit those 2 cars,hit their gasiline tanks and they both blew up,they were both on fire and those 2 pinhead reailty tv stars ran away like scared chickens.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Very Violent Rap Music Gangster visits sort of.

A very violent rap music gangster named Wiz Khalifa who just robbed a very nice doggie run and owned bank, was driving his stolen porsche real fast, pulled it into the parking lot of this very nice and family doggie run and owned breakfast place,which is open 24 hours a day,7 days a week and there is a newly opened and built BP Gas station run by doggies.
Wiz Khalifa got out of his stolen porsche and carrying in both his 2 hands ,2 9-mm glock hand guns,he started shooting his guns at the doggie breakfast place, just as the doggies named pearl,June And Georgie were cooking and breakfast, they stopped what they were doing and ran behind the counter.
the doggie owners of The BP Gas Station,called the LAPD , 40 POLICE cars were on their way to help, There Happen to be 2 WELL armed LAPD detectives named Paul Mcann and Leo Kessler,they both just got done shooting and killing a homicial killer,who was running around killing people,wearing his underwear.
LAPD DETECTIVES paul mcann and Leo Kessler re-loaded their weapons and shot at the very violent rap music gangster named Wiz Khalifa who is wanted by the F.B.I FOR sending money to AL-QAEDA,THE rap singer named Wiz Khalifa was shot more than 200 times,he was bleeding all over the place,Both these 2 LAPD detectives went inside this doggie breakfast ,to eat a very breakfast, while the arriving LAPD police patrolmen,would take out their police night sticks and hit him over his head,100 times.